Where families come together!
Awarded 2021 Rideau Lakes Business of the Year
**Sunnyside is a Seasonal Only park and does not accomodate any short term camping**

The SunnySider

Well to say this winter has been a strange one, is an understatement! We were blessed with some warm days, but then Mother Nature fooled us all with normal winter weather.
The beautiful summer like weather this week, makes us feel as though opening day, Friday May 3rd/2024 is just around the corner – only 57 days! We are happy to welcome some new members for the 2024 season. Be sure to introduce yourself if you see a new face in the park and welcome them into our Sunnyside Community!! We are very excited and thankful to have our staff members from last summer returning this season!
We have been working on some new projects over the winter and keeping up with the usual maintenance over the winter months. As you may have seen, Kevin and the outdoor crew have been working on getting the face of the barn covered for this season, dock renovations, the upper women’s washroom is getting a facelift, along with the usual service work we catch up on.
The office crew have been busy with the usual book work, some changes to our License of Occupation, additions to our visitor’s policy, a new way to register guests, and looking for new ways to identify our members vehicles.
The first notable change on the License of Occupation, is that Members are now referred to as “Primary Members”. Primary Members are the 2 registered adults to the site that you are occupying. The second change to the L.O.O, is that we have provided more room (we hope) to list members, and non-members (grandchildren only). Lastly, we have also changed the signature area, where we are now asking that both Primary Members sign the License of Occupation.
This year Sunnyside will be offering a new seniors visitor rate. Seniors 65+, can register, and enter the park at a daily rate of $10.00/any part of any day, seven days a week! We have added to our 2024 Rate Summary a new seasonal rate for Seniors 65+, for a parent, or spouse, who is dependent, single, living at home or in a care facility. A Primary Member must be present when your registered Senior Member is on Sunnyside property. If you require more clarification on this new policy, please contact the office.
Staff have been busy working on a new system to register your guests! We have gone online!! The Guest Registration Form, can filled out and emailed directly to us at the office, can be found on Sunnyside’s website (www.sunnysidecampground.on.ca). All the same policies still apply to the new online form, i.e. all guests must be registered prior to entering the park, Sunnyside Primary Member must be present, maximum of 8 guests to a site, unless discussed with the office, etc. You will still be able to put your guest fees on account or use your visitor card. If your guest is paying or needs a visitor card stamped, they will still need to visit the office, prior to them leaving the park.
The office will be changing the process of filling out paperwork. Following this email, you will receive an email from Jane and Melanie, that will include the new License of Occupation, a blank revised Rate Summary for review, and the Excellence of Service Information sheet. Typically, we send out this paperwork with your spring invoices. Sending out this information prior to your spring invoice, (the first week of April) will allow us to have the information needed to complete more accurate invoices. Just a reminder to members, paperwork must be completed as well as all site fees paid in full, prior to Friday May 3rd/2024, to activate your gate cards.
With dock renovations comes a reminder, that there are designated areas on the docks where we allow fishing. We ask all members to adhere to this designated area, “Fish the green line”, to avoid conflict with other members who may have their boats on said docks. To our boaters, please note that once boat slips are assigned, you will need to get a code for the boat yard to store your trailer, as the codes will be new for this year.
This spring, Kevin and the crew will be replacing some outdated meters. He hopes to get many of them installed prior to the start of the season, if not meters will be replaced in the fall, with no disruption to our members.
Storm internet completed a park upgrade, in the fall. This was to gain access to areas of the park that were difficult to do tree coverage, or how far away you were from the tower at the Pavilion. If you had previously tried to get Storm Internet at your site, but were unable due to the above reasons, give them a call, (613)567-6585, and see if access to the internet a feasible option for you!
We would like to remind any members who may be considering selling their unit. As per Sunnyside policy, you may not promote, advertise, or sell your unit on Sunnyside property without first signing a consignment agreement.
Our Sunnyside Recreation team has begun booking events for the summer! Most of our events do require volunteers to help make them a success. Without our members volunteering to help execute these fun activities for children and adults alike, some of these activities will not come to fruition. If you are interested in helping for any events (once posted on the website) or have ideas for events this 2024 season, please do not hesitate to reach out via email, (sunnysideservices@hotmail.com).
Not enough room in your trailer for guests, or just don’t want to share your space with parents, or friends? No worries, check out The Beach House Cottage information page on our website (www.sunnysidecampground.on.ca) and book today!!
We are looking forward to another great summer at Sunnyside and welcoming all of you for the 2024 season!!
Happy Camping, some of the best memories are made in flip-flops,
Kevin, Melanie, Kaitlyn, Bryan, and staff!