Where families come together!
Awarded 2021 Rideau Lakes Business of the Year
**Sunnyside is a Seasonal Only park and does not accomodate any short term camping**
Sunnyside Policies and Procedures
1) For the purpose of these Policies and Procedures:
a) “Management” shall include the Owner and those appointed by the Owner to manage the property of Sunnyside Campground Inc. (the “Sunnyside property”).
b) “Members” shall include Occupants (Primary Members) and eligible family members.
2) Seasonal site fees are based on the occupancy of 2 adults and 2 unmarried, dependent, or eligible registered children under the age of 19.
3) Each site may have a total of 4 adults and up to 4 children for a maximum of 8 persons per site including eligible guests. Exceptions may be granted on Management approval.
4) All eligible visitors MUST REGISTER before their arrival, and Sunnyside reserves the right to limit the number of visitors at any time. Please check with the office before inviting a group (more than six persons). Visitors are the responsibility of the registered Primary Member. Day visitors must leave Sunnyside property by 10:30 p.m. Visitors not registered may be levied extra fees or asked to vacate Sunnyside Property.
***Please remember THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY and we reserve the right to refuse admittance or use of the facilities to anyone at any time. ***
5) Seasonal fees are to be paid in full by the first day of the season. A $100.00 penalty will be added to the account of the 1st day of default and every 30 days thereafter. Members will not be permitted to open or use their trailer until all seasonal fees are paid in full.
6) A service charge of $40.00 will be charged upon the receipt of all NSF Cheques.
7) Allowing people other than the registered Members to occupy or use your trailer or site, for any period without Management approval is prohibited. Occasionally, UPON PRIOR APPROVAL, immediate eligible family members may use your trailer without the Primary Member being present. The posted daily camping fee will apply if the registered Member is not present in the park.
8) Sunnyside beaches, parks, pavilions, and docks are unsupervised. Persons using them do so at their own risk. All children must always be supervised by an adult. Please do not use glass containers in these areas.
9) Registered children may not stay at Sunnyside unless under supervision by a registered Primary Member. Please advise Management of alternative arrangements.
10) Fireworks are not to be set off on Sunnyside property, except under the supervision of Staff.
11) It is the responsibility of the Member to insure their property i.e., boats, golf carts, trailers etc. Management may ask for proof of insurance.
12) Firearms of any kind, including pellet guns and air rifles, are not to be used anywhere on Sunnyside property.
13) Campfires are to be kept small, away from underground service lines, trailers, and trees. They are never to be left unattended and must be completely extinguished before retiring for the night. In accordance with Municipal guidelines, fires are to be kept to and no larger than 2’x2’x2’. Burning of any hazardous materials is strictly prohibited.
14) Each site may contain one trailer, one car, and a commercially available storage shed (acceptable is plastic and steel only, no wood construction), with a maximum square footage of 100’. Commercial screen rooms (not a tent) not attached to the trailer must be no more than W10’x L10’ x H12’, anchored and not have solid curtains, or hard roof covers other than Sunspace roof systems. It may not impede the view of others around you. Please refer to the Gazebo policy available at the office.
15) Parking for one car per site is permitted. Second, vehicles are permitted to be parked in designated parking areas within
Sunnyside. There are to be NO visitor or guest cars parked beyond the gates at any time unless previously discussed with Management. Please do not park vehicles on vacant sites or where there are trailers for sale. Offsite storage charges will apply to any items stored in the storage area.
16) Maximum of 2 gate cards issued per site. These are to be used only by those Members identified and registered as Primary Members in the License of Occupation. Each cardholder is required to read and sign the Entrance Gate Agreement. Contractors and visitors will be issued cards as needed from the office.
17) Management approval is required prior to the fabrication, alteration, or installation of ANY items on your site (decks, sheds, screen rooms, trees etc.) Cutting of trees/limbs is prohibited unless approved by Management. There is to be no use of chainsaws on Sunnyside Property.
18) All outside contractors must be approved by Management and are not to conflict/compete with any services or products offered by Sunnyside.
19) All outside refrigerators must be housed or effectively enclosed.
20) Loud noise is not permitted at any time. Quiet hours of 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. are strictly enforced and all sound equipment must be turned off during this period.
21) Pets are prohibited in the washrooms and at the beach areas. Dogs must be on a leash, never left unattended while in/on Sunnyside property and “Poop and Scoop” is a must. Please do not allow your pet to “poop” on other seasonal sites! Noisy or aggressive animals must be controlled, or they will not be permitted at Sunnyside. Please ensure that your children are aware of our pet policies.
22) Sunnyside speed limit is 15km/hr. This includes all recreational vehicles. All vehicles are to stay on designated park roads. Golf carts can carry no more than the allowed seating limit and are not to be operated without a valid driver’s license. All golf carts are to be registered and the golf cart agreement is to be signed by ALL permitted drivers.
23) Sunnyside docks are for the exclusive use of the people renting Sunnyside boat slips. Boats are not to be pulled up on shore or moored offshore and left unattended. Seasonal docking fees apply only to the boat of the registrant. A docking agreement must be completed by Members who have rented a slip for the current camping season.
24) A Member wishing to stay for the next season is required to pay a non-refundable deposit each year prior to Labour Day weekend. Members NOT staying are required to vacate the site by the last day of the season or a charge will be levied.
25) A Member who chooses to vacate any occupied site with their trailer before the final day of the season, without prior approval from Management, may forfeit future access to Sunnyside property. Any remaining personal items (i.e. deck, shed) will be removed by Sunnyside staff at Member’s expense.
26) Disposal of BLACK water within Sunnyside property in any other authorized manner will not be tolerated.
27) Occasionally electric and water services may be interrupted. There will be no adjustment to seasonal rates due to such interruptions. Tampering with these services will not be tolerated. Ask before you dig!!
28) Using distributed well (drinking) water for the following purposes is prohibited, washing vehicles, trailers or boats, filling children’s pools, and watering grass or flowers. Approved lake water systems must be clearly marked and separate from Sunnyside well water systems.
29) Playgrounds, beaches, and dock areas are off-limits after dusk. Bicycles or recreation vehicles must not be operated after dusk without permanent lights. Bicycles and golf carts are not to be driven on walking paths.
30) If a member wishes to sell his/her trailer, it must be removed from Sunnyside property. Selling trailers within Sunnyside is the exclusive right of Management. A Member wishing to utilize the seasonal site location to promote the sale of the trailer must contract Sunnyside to act on their behalf as the park agent and a commission will be charged on the purchase price for this service. Sunnyside is under no obligation to sell any unit on any site.
31) Tents may be erected on a seasonal site for the sole use of registered Members children under the age of 13. Tents are NOT to be used as additional accommodation for eligible guests and must be removed when not in use.
32) Members may only use Cannabis products while restricted to the members’ registered site. Members may not grow, sell, or distribute Cannabis products on Sunnyside property. Do not use Cannabis, smoke, or vape in or around public areas, this includes buildings, beaches, playgrounds, and the pavilion. Do not operate vehicles including golf carts and any watercraft while under the influence of Cannabis/drugs or alcohol.
33) Abusive language or conduct is not permitted by Members or their eligible guests. No one may raise their voice with Sunnyside staff, other occupants, or eligible visitors, yell, use profane or abusive language, or harass, or threaten them in any way. Harassment includes all comments or conduct that you should know will make another person feel uncomfortable and are unwelcome, unwanted sexual advances, and lewd suggestions.
34) Complaints regarding our services, our products, other members, or eligible visitors should be discussed with Management.
35) Incidents of physical violence or the threat of physical violence will be reported immediately to the police.
36) Violations of these policies and procedures contained in this Schedule A that do not constitute a serious threat to other’s property (including the Owner’s property) or a threat to the safety of any person or animal will result in some or all the following progressive actions:
a) A verbal warning.
b) a written warning.
c) notice of termination of the license and removal from the property.
37) Violations of the policies and procedures that constitute a serious threat to other’s property (including the Owner’s property) or a threat to the safety of any person or animal may result in the immediate termination of a member’s license and removal from the property.
38) All people attending Sunnyside property must comply with all laws, regulations, orders, and policies that are otherwise enforced by a government authority, including those relating to but not limited to:
a) public health
b) environmental protection; and
c) building standards.
New Revisions: February 2025